Still under construction!
Kuro in roman and kanji letters

photography Blog

Just a collection of articles created by me, focused on content creation. You can expect blogs for photos, videos and anything that has to do with doing a photoshoot; The model, make up, props, behind the scenes, etc. 

Latest Blogs

My latest content. Keep up to date with whatever it is that I'm up to. I also do content outside my website, be sure to check out my social media accounts. 

Connecticon 2024 Saturday Cosplay Photos

Get your pics! Here are most if not all the pics I was able to take on Friday at Connecticon 2024. Enjoy the pics!!!

Connecticon 2024 Friday Cosplay Photos

Get your pics! Here are most if not all the pics I was able to take on Friday at Connecticon 2024. Enjoy the pics!!!

Throwback to Connecticon 2023 - Cosplay Photos

Photos I was able to take a CTcon 2023. I uploaded a good chunk on Instagram but my own website is a better place to upload in bulk.

Website Pre-Launch

The status of the website and a bit about my plans.

Lets collab!

Just details of what I'm looking to build up my portfolio through collaborations and what should be your expectations about it.

Favorites Blogs

These blogs are my favorite, I either found a lot of enjoyment doing them or a lot of value. Probably I loved the character or concepts, or I embraced and accomplished a lot of challenges when tackling the specific subjects.

Connecticon 2024 Saturday Cosplay Photos

Get your pics! Here are most if not all the pics I was able to take on Friday at Connecticon 2024. Enjoy the pics!!!

Connecticon 2024 Friday Cosplay Photos

Get your pics! Here are most if not all the pics I was able to take on Friday at Connecticon 2024. Enjoy the pics!!!

Announcement Blogs

Just a collection of stuff I'm doing for the brand. Anything from uploads to social media, website changes, competitions etc. Basically whatever I couldn't fit in the other categories.

Website Pre-Launch

The status of the website and a bit about my plans.

Events Blogs

These blogs cover stuff like conventions, ren faires, public photoshoots, geek related stuff etc. I will mostly be talking about events that i will be attending or participating in one shape or another.

Connecticon 2024 Saturday Cosplay Photos

Get your pics! Here are most if not all the pics I was able to take on Friday at Connecticon 2024. Enjoy the pics!!!


These are based mostly in my instructional content mostly about photograph and videos. You can see these blogs as step by step guides or how to articles. I like sharing knowledge that will help readers acquire expertise for these type of tasks. I love the community aspect of creative fields.

Nothing yet. Creating content is kicking my behind.